Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm Talking But No One Is Listening

I know they can hear me. I am telling them exactly what I want. They just blankly stare back or laugh. I can't believe I got such unintelligent humans.
There are other dogs outside. Why can't they let me out there. There might be moles. What if there is a bird I need to chase. Plus, my paws are clean. I feel much more comfortable with dirty white fur around my paws. I don't want to go lay down. I will do it, but I don't want to. OK, I am down. Now will you listen? Maybe if I jump up to a higher level, they will understand. Maybe they need eye contact.
It looks like I am going to have to call in support to make a dog door.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Do You Want To Go?

I can't help myself. I love that question. And, yes, of course I want to go. Here, let me help you get the leash out. Where are we going to go? Can I chase some dogs? Or maybe a brisk walk around the neighborhood? Will there be a moment that I might be able to run away?

No. Crazy Lady is going toward the car. That is not where I want to go. How could I have shown such excitement for this. Oh, wait. It is a trip to the grocery store where I get to stay in the car. Could this be any more fun? Maybe I can get someone to stop at the car so I can lick them. Maybe I could convince someone to let me go free.

Not in the cards. Here comes Crazy Lady. I don't even get anything from the bag.

I don't really like these humans.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I Understand

Let's just set the record straight. I know what "come" means. I hear your requests.

If I come when Crazy Lady calls me, I might get a treat. But she might also touch me. I have to decide if it is worth it. Sometimes she comes after me, picks me up and rolls me upside down. Would you come to that?