The humans know my weakness for food. They seem to have such joy from my humiliation. I try so hard to show my displeasure at having to do tricks. But they have ignored my pleas and decided to add a new one.
I get the "crawl" command. I really don't know what it means, but they expect me to figure it out. The humans sit in front of me and tell me "down". Then they put the turkey goodness out and say "crawl". At first, they also said "here" - so I got up and came there. But that did not get me the turkey. I had to go back and try again.
I tried throwing myself into a "roll over". But that wasn't it either. Finally, I stay low and stealth-like to see if I can just take the turkey. Amazingly that is what they were looking for. Now I know that "crawl" means "back legs push, butt in the air, slide on your shoulder" for food. Since it is close to rolling over, I add the grumbling and teeth.
They got that flashy thing out again when I was performing for them. I don't like that thing. I think it might be the evil device that starts the pounding and flashing in the rain.
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